© Museumsdorf

Friends association

In 1979 the Association of the Museumsdorf Niedersulz started to build the Museumsdorf. In more than 40 years not only around 80 buildings have been built from the Weinviertel. A collection showing all aspects of rural life has also been created. In 2007, the association incorporated the buildings and collections of the museum village into a charitable foundation to preserve it for the future. As a support association "Friends of the Weinviertler Museumsdorf Niedersulz", it continues to support the museum village. The objectives of the association include supporting activities for the preservation and expansion of the Museumsdorf, the collections and the green space. Support the Friends Association by joining and promoting the preservation of Weinviertler culture and identity.

The Board of Directors

Chairman: Dr. Walter Frank
Vice-Chairman: Marianne Wanderer
Treasurer: DI Markus Weindl
Treasurer Assistant: Mag. Marianne Messerer
Secretary: Dr. Magdalene Papp
Secretary Assistant: Kurt Jantschitsch
Board members: Richard Edl, Gerhard Schütt, Herbert Nowohradsky und Thomas Schmid, Accountants: Pia Hasitzka und Hedwig Fradinger

Do you want to work with us?
Volunteering enables active citizen participation in a cultural business.
For this reason, the museum village Niedersulz builds on the services of its numerous volunteers. Do you enjoy telling stories? Do you love the Weinviertel history and pass on your knowledge with enthusiasm? Do you like to discover something unknown from your homeland? Then the museum village is the right place for you.

If you are interested, please contact the museum village Niedersulz at 02534/333 or info@museumsdorf.at

Our Museum Blog

Village tales with a history

The blog of the Weinviertel Museum Village Niedersulz provides you with foreground and background information about the museum village.

In keeping with our motto "Village stories with history", we will tell you about everyday village life and its portrayal in the museum village, but also about the work that goes on in the background, which is necessary to provide you as a visitor with an interesting, holistic experience with all your senses.

We will introduce you to individual exhibitions, workshops, our new library, the two depots, the collections as well as individual objects, gardens, flowers and plants, their use and much more.

We would be delighted if you would continue to follow us as a loyal reader and recommend us to your friends.

Our museum blog.

The team of the Weinviertel Museum Village Niedersulz

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